
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/21 09:07:21

■ 2.树立“投资必赚”口碑
■ 3.发展“金字塔型下线”
■ 4.合理回报率骗倒所有人

In the 1990s,Michael Randolph to borrow the stock market itself as a successful manager in his capacity as set up an asset management company.Michael Randolph,through their own social networks for the fund for financing,he through the Palm Beach Country Club,or other charitable organizations of the occasion,make friends,and make use of some investments had fallen into the trap off to do his introducer to introduce more Multi-client to him,those who collect commission from referrals can be naturally happy to do a middleman,so there is a snowball effect.
In the face of it,Jimmy Randolph's Fund is a low risk investment behavior.His huge profits of the fund has a stable rate of return.Month of growth may reach 1-2 percent growth rate.The reasons behind the growth of the fund continued to buy large-cap growth funds and doing the fixed stock options and so on business.This comprehensive portfolio has long been thought to generate a stable return on investment.
1.The use of luxurious places to establish a network of contacts network
Michael,now 70-year-old Adolf working capital management for many years.Over the years,Michael's investment in securities companies by Bonademai Astoria Capital Management,a subsidiary of a secret branch,using a broad network of contacts and investment fraud.Michael Randolph in Dallas,Chicago,Boston and Minneapolis and other cities knit network of relationships,access to investors,using a variety of luxury establishments.
■ 2.Establish the "investment will make a" word of mouth
Mak's only in the city of Hopkins,Minnesota,Peak Golf Club and Oak Ridge Club on the "financing" more than 100 million U.S.dollars."When you play in the golf club or a meal,everyone talking about how to help them make money Mai-Astoria,everyone wants to join the Mai-Astoria project."
■ 3.Development "pyramid downline"
Jimmy Adolf use of friends,family and business partners in development "off the assembly line," and some people were successful "foreign capital" and gets a commission.A number of "downline" Also the development of new "off the assembly line."
■ 4.A reasonable rate of return fool everyone
Mai-Astoria to the customer to submit a monthly investment report showed that he was very aggressive,customers can also be redeemed at any time invest in a few days.But also with the general fraud unreasonably high returns compared to wheat Randolph guaranteed return each year to customers that only about 12% -13%,this will make many customers do not worry there are suspicions lie

英语翻译等着这个作业救命.急死了 下面是文章.1990年代,麦道夫借用自己作为成功的股票上市经纪人的身份成立了一家资产管理公司.麦道夫通过自己的社会网络为这个基金公司进行筹资,他在 英语翻译1990年代,麦道夫借用自己作为成功的股票上市经纪人的身份成立了一家资产管理公司.麦道夫通过自己的社会网络为这个基金公司进行筹资,他在透过棕榈滩乡村俱乐部或其它慈善团体 麦道夫骗局的理由是什么 麦道夫诈骗案真相,麦道夫是如何行骗的通过什么途径? 求一篇关于麦道夫的sat写作素材, 麦道夫骗局是什么啊?谁能帮忙解释一下? 什么是麦道夫诈骗案?造成了什么影响? 麦道夫诈骗案的始末?何许人也?如何手段? 英语翻译最好是用自己的话翻译!不要借用参考书上的翻译! 英语翻译喂阿达西,乃其噗鲁比尅喽?吐陆吐陆不麦道,慢的噗鲁兹要克! 英语翻译在经过80年代中后期至90年代的沉寂后,安徽文学终又在以许辉、潘军等为代表的安徽新时期文学的第二代作家的手中重焕光彩.作为安徽新时期文学的代表作家,许辉在自己的创作中融 英语翻译在任何一个有文明史记载以来的年代,人作为社会的个体,作为能通过语言、动作、各种形态丰富表达自己思想的个体,具有很强的独立性和组织性.要很好的发挥个人的组织性就需要进 英语翻译翼.年代记 借用别人的话到自己的文章里, 作者借用墨梅表达了自己什么样的情感 那个英语单词是借用的阿拉伯语,用英语翻译 【最后,借用andy的话来作为结尾】这句话用英语怎么说 英语翻译 19世纪40年代