这些句子哪错了?改错并把正确的写下来1 My favourite sports are soccer,tennis and baseball.2 I like Math bast.I always get good grade.Iam good at language,too.I can Italian and Japanese.3 I have three friend from Japan and one from Fran

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/04/28 21:08:31

这些句子哪错了?改错并把正确的写下来1 My favourite sports are soccer,tennis and baseball.2 I like Math bast.I always get good grade.Iam good at language,too.I can Italian and Japanese.3 I have three friend from Japan and one from Fran
1 My favourite sports are soccer,tennis and baseball.
2 I like Math bast.I always get good grade.Iam good at language,too.I can Italian and Japanese.
3 I have three friend from Japan and one from France.

这些句子哪错了?改错并把正确的写下来1 My favourite sports are soccer,tennis and baseball.2 I like Math bast.I always get good grade.Iam good at language,too.I can Italian and Japanese.3 I have three friend from Japan and one from Fran
1 My favourite sports are soccer,tennis and baseball.
2 I like Math best.I always get good grade.I am good at language,too.I can speak Italian and Japanese.
3 I have three friends from Japan and one from France.

1. My favorite sports are soccer,tennis and baseball.
2.I like Math best.I always get good grade.Iam good at language,too.I can Italian and Japanese.
3.I have three friends from Japan and one from France.

这些句子哪错了(改错并把正确的写下来)1、l will go with make some2、We should always remember ,“learn by doing.”把正确的句子写下来,谢了 ,可是问题问的是should always 、learn 、doing这三处哪里错 这些句子哪错了?改错并把正确的写下来1 My favourite sports are soccer,tennis and baseball.2 I like Math bast.I always get good grade.Iam good at language,too.I can Italian and Japanese.3 I have three friend from Japan and one from Fran He is help his grandpa.哪里错了,并把正确的句子写下来. What do you doing in your bedrroom?哪里错了,把正确的句子写下来 摘抄你最喜欢的写灰椋鸟的句子,并把喜欢的原因写下来 26灰椋鸟 摘抄你最喜欢的写灰椋鸟句子,并把喜欢的原因写下来 that is all right whats's is this in English? 改错把正确句子写下来 单句改错 选出错误的选项并把正确的答案写在横线上 改错,并把正确的写在横线上.Can you tells me the trick?_________ What nice car!这句话哪儿错了~把错的单词写下来,然后在把正确的答案(单词)写出来!例如:Have a soft drink.改错:some 正确句式:Have some soft drink.这样就对鸟~ the restaurant make the food very delicious改错并把改完的句子写出来谢谢 “胡萝卜,鸡蛋和咖啡”这篇文章中富有哲理的一个句子摘录下来,并把自己的感受写下来 “胡萝卜,鸡蛋和咖啡”这篇文章中富有哲理的一个句子摘录下来,并把自己的感受写下来 “157”英文怎么说?是one five seven 吗?假如不是把正确的英文句子写下来.各位大侠,求求了. 改错,将正缺的句子写下来.What would you eat for lunch? 小嘎子和胖墩比赛摔跤和凤辣子初见林黛玉中分别找一句外貌,动作,神态的句子写下来,并把它们给你留下了什么印象.记住是它们的它,不是其他的还有临死前的严监生 历史人物有关的成语,并把故事主人公的名字写下来 急需一些缩写的英文单词并把全程写下来