根据括号里的提示填出横线处的单词Li Ming wants _____(study)English in the U.S.A

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/21 06:26:29

根据括号里的提示填出横线处的单词Li Ming wants _____(study)English in the U.S.A
Li Ming wants _____(study)English in the U.S.A

根据括号里的提示填出横线处的单词Li Ming wants _____(study)English in the U.S.A
to study,中间没有逗号,一楼.

want to (do) something. 是一个短句。一般WANT后面加动词都是跟TO一起连用的。

to, study

to study

根据括号里的提示填出横线处的单词Li Ming wants _____(study)English in the U.S.A I'm sorry to tell you it is an ____(pleasant)result横线是根据括号里的单词填 Jane can swim very _____(good)?请问根据括号里的单词横线上应填什么样? There's a notice on the _n________.根据首字母的提示,填出横线上的单词. We can often sweep the floor ( )(stop) germs根据括号里的单词填出括号里的单词 根据括号里的提示在横线上填写恰当的四字词语 根据单词完成句子 试卷题来的.I’m 160 cm (然后一条横线叫你填).提示单词是(tall)I am (横线)提示单词是(tall) than your bother.Line up from(横线)提示词是(young) to(横线)提示词是(old) 根据括号里的开头字母“s”填出单词.John often goes (s )there in summer. you look( )(terrible) ill today,what is wrong? 根据括号里提示的单词写出括号里的单词快 根据括号里的提示完成句子 even the most_(every day)activities can seem important.根据括号的提示填单词 my father will_______(开车去)根据括号里的中文,横线上填什么? Tom--------(like)Chinese food.根据单词所给的提示,用适当的词填在横线上. children like to r_____ present——根据首字母提示,填出正确的单词. I think jim is a very ____(think) boy.横线上根据括号内提示填上适当单词. He is not going to change and you have to (take something willingly) it.(take something willingly)根据括号里的提示,前面要填一个单词。 根据句意及首写字母完成单词 It rained yesterday evening.It was on the g( ) 括号里为要填的,g是提示 I'm happy_____( see )you.横线上填什么?注意:是用括号里单词的正确形式填空的.求啊,急用!