这是我的日记,May 24 Tuesday RainyToday,the weather is very cold while the temperature rised to 30 C.I think it is very strange and the temperature has been always strange since a few years ago.What is the reason that it happen?What will happen

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/21 06:20:29

这是我的日记,May 24 Tuesday RainyToday,the weather is very cold while the temperature rised to 30 C.I think it is very strange and the temperature has been always strange since a few years ago.What is the reason that it happen?What will happen
May 24 Tuesday Rainy
Today,the weather is very cold while the temperature rised to 30 C.I think it is very strange and the temperature has been always strange since a few years ago.What is the reason that it happen?What will happen in one year、ten years or twenty years.I think our enviorment got bad litter by litter.The problem of these years temperature got strange is worth of we pay attention to it.We should react against the Let's goes into action.
May 25 wednesday Sunny
Today,someone who joined literature society came our classroom to promote a magazine that is published by literature society.To be honesty,the magazine is very good.I would buy one but the man who came to our classroom is charge five yuan and I only have four yuan.So I can't get a magazine.I borrowed the magazine from my classmate,who buy the magazine.When I finished reading the magazine,the monitor of literature came our classroom and promote the magazine aging.I'm very gloomy,because borrowed the magazine cost all my might,if I know this I wouldn't borrow the magazine.
May 27 Friday Cloudy
Today I get a quota of people that poor financial difficulties allowance.I'm very sad because I think this mind of behaviour is wrong and the financial difficulities allowance should give some student whose family is really difficulites and need to help and my family isn't rich but also isn't so poor that need to help.But this behavour isn't of my own accord and I won't get the money of the financial difficulties because my class will get the money to give my classmate and I on avarage and the behaviour that I try to get the quota of people which the poor student financial difficulties.I have to do something I don't want to do.
May 30 Monday Rainy
Today,I'm very sadly.I got a bad grade in English examination.Of course,my grade isn't very bad for a common student.But I want to go to a good colloge so I have to study very hard and I must keep my grade is very good.But why is the reality far away from my dream?I think for surely I study as hard as posible.Why did I get a so bad grade?It could be said that I didn't work enough hard?I think it't right.I will remmeber a word:Nothing in impossile to a willing mind.
My life is decided to me and isn't decided to God,if God want to hold me back I will kill God.

这是我的日记,May 24 Tuesday RainyToday,the weather is very cold while the temperature rised to 30 C.I think it is very strange and the temperature has been always strange since a few years ago.What is the reason that it happen?What will happen
May 24 Tuesday,Sunny
Today’s wether is so hot that I can’t stand it.The temperature has been getting hot in these days.I think the reason why is that there is a large number of people increasing and a lot of trees have been cut by people.I can’t imagine what will be happened in next years or tn years as well as twenty years and so on.In order to protect our environment,we need to pay more attention it.At the same time,something should be taken into account by us is that we also prevent people damaging it.
wednesday Sunny
Today there are person who come to our classroom to promote their magazine that has been published by literature press.Frankly speaking,it is very helpful for us to read it.As it cost five yuan,I can afford it.However,there are several classmates bought it.So,I borrow the magazine from them to read it.I am so upset that the cost for magazine is too high than I can imagine and I would borrow it if I know it will be like this.
May 27 Friday Cloudy
I could get a quota recuitment allowance as some people help the poor family to solve their fiinanicial difficulty.I think its behaviour is not suitable that financial help should be given the person who really need to others’ help.
May 30 Monday Rainy
I can’t get passed in English eaxmination today.It is so bad for a common student to get the grade.I would like to go to college so that I must make more effort to exceed others and improve my performance swiftly.I need to be a strong-minded sudent as well as persistence.I think the reason why my performance is so bad is that I don’t work hard enough.As the proverb goes:nothing is impossible.I should set up my mind in learning.

5月24日星期二今天多雨,天气非常寒冷,气温升高到30区间觉得很奇怪,气温一直以来的ago.What几年一直奇怪的是它发生的原因,什么会发生在一个一年,十年或二十years.I觉得我们的环境得到了这些年来气温litter.The垃圾问题坏了奇怪的是值得我们注意的应该反抗打伤它在让我们去付诸行动。 5月25日星期三今天天气晴朗,谁加入了文学...


5月24日星期二今天多雨,天气非常寒冷,气温升高到30区间觉得很奇怪,气温一直以来的ago.What几年一直奇怪的是它发生的原因,什么会发生在一个一年,十年或二十years.I觉得我们的环境得到了这些年来气温litter.The垃圾问题坏了奇怪的是值得我们注意的应该反抗打伤它在让我们去付诸行动。 5月25日星期三今天天气晴朗,谁加入了文学社的人来到我们的课堂,以促进一个由文学society.To是诚实出版杂志,该杂志是非常good.I会买谁的人之一,但来到我们的教室是负责五元,我只有四个yuan.So我不能得到一个magazine.I从我的同学借来的杂志,谁买magazine.When我看完杂志,文学显示器来到我们的教室和促进该杂志老化。我很悲观,因为该杂志的成本借我所有的力量,如果我知道这个,我也不会借这本杂志。 5月27日星期五多云今天,我得到一个名额,穷财政困难allowance.I'米非常难过,因为我认为这种行为是错误的思想和津贴财政difficulities应该给一些学生的家庭,实在difficulites,需要帮助和我的家庭并不富裕,但也不是很差,需要help.But这种行为是不是我自己,我不会得到的财政困难,因为我的课的钱将得到的钱给我同学和我avarage和行为,我试图让人们的贫困学生资助difficulties.I所要做的事情我不想做的配额。 5月30日星期一雨今天,我接到一个非常sadly.I英语examination.Of课程成绩不好,我的成绩不是很糟糕的一个共同student.But我想去一个良好的江西高校,所以我必须学习非常艰苦,我必须保持我的成绩是非常good.But为什么远离现实我的梦想是什么?我觉得我肯定尽可能的用功读书posible.Why我才拿到如此成绩不好?这可以说是我没有'吨工作辛苦,我觉得够it't right.I将remmeber一个字:?在impossile,只怕有心人什么也没有。 我的生活是我的,决定没有决定上帝,如果上帝想阻止我,我会杀了上帝。


while 前后时态要相同,而且while表示一种对比,此处最好用and。
What is the reason that it happen.此处很生硬,不地道。why it happened?
说实话,改的地方有点多,就先改到这儿吧。why it happpened 没有助动词或be动词,是否违背语法happen没有被动态的,它是一个不及物动词,这样不违背语法啊。 还有我...


while 前后时态要相同,而且while表示一种对比,此处最好用and。
What is the reason that it happen.此处很生硬,不地道。why it happened?


真多。。。。 语法错误

