↓时态I_____that he was still in america.But now I know that he came back two year ago.填:had thought (那就是过去完成时 请问是相对句中那个过去时的过去的过去?)The water in the river will be further polluted unless some

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/21 09:08:14

↓时态I_____that he was still in america.But now I know that he came back two year ago.填:had thought (那就是过去完成时 请问是相对句中那个过去时的过去的过去?)The water in the river will be further polluted unless some
I_____that he was still in america.But now I know that he came back two year ago.
填:had thought (那就是过去完成时 请问是相对句中那个过去时的过去的过去?)
The water in the river will be further polluted unless some measures________
填:are taken
I have been appionted as the guide of the foreigner,so I ______ all the things well before they arrive
填:will be arranging (他们来是将来时那不应该填will arranging么?,这里为什么要用将来进行时?)
He said he_______ a better job in that new company
填:was offered (我填的 had received 我的理解:他说得到了更好的工作 因为说是过去式所以填了过去完成时)
They are playing well,but one of them______hurt
填:got (我填的were)
——You are eating so much
——Only at home.No one_____me but you
填:sees (我填的saw)
The number of the sutendts in our school_______about 1000
填:adds up to (我填的have added up to 按已经增加到1000人理解的)
Tom ought not to_______me you secret,but he meant no harm
填:have told (我填的tell 我的理解 not+to + do(主动)/ be done(被动))
Take care!don’t get ink on your shirt,for it ______easily
填:won’t wash out (我填的won’t be washed out 我的理解:将不会容易被洗掉 所以,这里wash是主动表被动么?如果是,请问还有什么主动表被动的词?)
We were able to get Mike _____us his just for a day
填:to lend (是 get to do的固定搭配?我毛我记得是get sb do sth otz……)
______a time in the 1960s when young people liked wearing army uniforms
填:there was (我填的it was)
Nine to ten parents said there were significant differences in the approch to educating their children compared with______ ot their parents
填:that (不理解整句的句意)
Mike has an active mind;he can retell a story_____anybody else in the classroom
填:more vividly than (我填的much vivid than 因为觉得more than 中间是不是只能加原型= =)

↓时态I_____that he was still in america.But now I know that he came back two year ago.填:had thought (那就是过去完成时 请问是相对句中那个过去时的过去的过去?)The water in the river will be further polluted unless some
3、首先,will arranging是肯定错的,因为will后面加动词原形.“在外宾来之前,我会一直准备一切事宜”表达的是进行状态,一直“准备”.
5、填was/got都可以,one of表示单数.
10、get sb.to do sth.你记错了,get后面肯定是不定式.
11、这句话的意思你没看懂:20世纪60年代,有一段时间年轻人流行穿军装.there is表示的就是“有”,这是个固定格式,别告诉我你不知道!做这种题目多看几遍句子,分清楚结构,弄明白缺失部分到底是什么作用.多做多积累经验.

I_____that he was still in America. But now I know that he came back two year ago.
填:had thought (那就是过去完成时 请问是相对句中那个过去时的过去的过去?)
答:think是一个心理活动。现在以为,认为,用think that....


I_____that he was still in America. But now I know that he came back two year ago.
填:had thought (那就是过去完成时 请问是相对句中那个过去时的过去的过去?)
答:think是一个心理活动。现在以为,认为,用think that....
过去某个时间(或时期)以为,认为,用thought that....
在过去某个时间点之前,以为,认为,用had thought that...
我现在知道了,他是两年前回国的。从什么时候开始知道的呢,可以是别人告诉我的。这个时间点,句子中并没有明确表示出来。如果有一定的上下文,我们可以猜出来。可能说是“你”刚才告诉我的。刚才已经成为过去(哪怕就是一分钟之前!)现在是18:05分,在一个过去的时间点(也就是18:04分时),你告诉了我这件事。我现在知道了。但在18:04分之前,我并不知道。我这之前一直是以为,他还在美国呢。所以说:I had thought that he was still in America.
所以,这个had thought,既不是相对he was still in America 这个时间段(不是点),也不是he came back two years ago. 这个过去的时间点。而是别人告诉我,我得知道他回来的那一个时间点。
