8:00p.m.on August 8 用什么介词? useful book前面用什么 a/an/the/ / /

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8:00p.m.on August 8 用什么介词? useful book前面用什么 a/an/the/ / /
8:00p.m.on August 8 用什么介词? useful book前面用什么 a/an/the/ / /

8:00p.m.on August 8 用什么介词? useful book前面用什么 a/an/the/ / /
at 8 pm on August 8
如:I get up at 6 o'clock
a useful book,useful音标是[ˈju:sfəl]不是以元音字母开头的.

at 8:00p.m.on August 8



8:00p.m.on August 8 用什么介词? useful book前面用什么 a/an/the/ / / The opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games began __ 8:00p.m on August 8.A.inB.onC.atD.for ____8:08 p.m.of August 8,2008,Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games. A.At B.In C.On D.By The Games began on August 8,2008.中文意思是什么 英语8月1日,2008怎么说?on August 1st,1927和on August 1,1927哪个对? 英语翻译All professors and associate professors are requested to meet in the college conference room on Saturday,August 20,at 2:00 p.m.to discuss questions of international academic exchanges. He often helps his mother do housework 同义句 He was born on August 8th.对on August 8th 提问 Good morning,ladies & gentlemen.Please help me.At 8:00 of August 8,2008,Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games.请问可否说At 8:00 on August 8,2008,Beijing ... The party is on the August 8th .改:__________改错误 是不是去the? August 8th 前加什么~in or on谢谢了, When was the 29th Olympic Games held?____ 8:00 of August 8th,2008,Beijing为什么要填at 而不是on? Luisa on 17 August will be OK.中文是:Luisa在8月17日是可以的. August 8,2008用英语读一下 英语8月1号怎么说august the first 还是AUGUST FIRST UTC/GMT+1和北京时间差多久?00:01(UTC/GMT+1) on Thursday,11 August 2011是北京时间什么时候? 到底差7个小时还是8个小时? _______ 8:00 of August 8,2008,Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games.填界词 初中英语介词( )weekends 是in还是at( )the evening of August 8th 2008,是in 还是on还是at ___ visitors will come to Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games on August 8th.A.Plenty of B.A couple of C.Little D.Much