求 我的大学生活英文作文 水平不用太高 带汉语翻译的谢谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/21 09:08:20

求 我的大学生活英文作文 水平不用太高 带汉语翻译的谢谢
求 我的大学生活英文作文 水平不用太高 带汉语翻译的谢谢

求 我的大学生活英文作文 水平不用太高 带汉语翻译的谢谢
My College Life
Two years ago I attended college in ChangSha in a not big school (两年前我在长沙的一所不大的学校上大学),
it seemed to be a little disappointed to me when I first set my feet on the campus.(对我来说当我第一次踏入这个校园时,还是有一点小小的失望)It didn't look like the view I had imaged over a summer .(它并不如我整个暑假所期望的那样)The campus is not very big but with many students in it .(学校不大但是学生很多)
With time goes by ,however, I fall in love with my campus life little by little.(然而,随着时光流逝,我渐渐爱上了我的大学生活)
It all started with a lesson called How we live our college life.(这一切都从一门“我们怎样度过大学生涯”的课程开始)The teacher who teaches this course just told us we undergraduates should learn to make a plan about how to lead our campus life in a right way.(教授这门课程的老师告诫我们大学生应该学会正确地计划和主导自己的校园生活)
Then I just started to live a healthy life .(从那之后我有了一个健康的生活)Usually, I spent a third of my daytime to study or took my lessons.(通常情况下我花一天的三分之一时间来学习或上课) During my spare time ,I developed a hobby of reading .(课余时间我培养起了阅读的爱好)I had read lots of works written by both famous or unfamous writers and I also join a debate club in order to improve my speaking skills . (我读过各种著名作家或非著名作家的著作并且为了提高演讲水平参加了一个辩论社)
Besides, I had a good relationship with my classmates and roommates ,and we often took part in all kinds of activities like KTV singing or playing tennis together .(另外,我和同学以及室友都建立了良好的关系,我们经常一起参加各种活动像唱k和打网球)All those made my campus life unforgettable.(这些点滴使得我的大学生活让人难忘)Last weekend,my roommates and I just had a trip around the city by bike.(上个星期我和我的室友刚刚来了一次环城骑行)We ride from the campus to Yuelu mountain .(我们从校区骑到了岳麓山)The trip was tired while insteresting. (旅途虽然劳累但是充满趣味)
Put all those activities aside,I sometimes will stay alone for a long time to do summary and reflection of my rencent life to have a better acknowledge about things I did right or wrong.(放开这些活动不说,有时候我会长时间独处以便对最近的生活做总结和反省,并对自己做对了或者做错了的事情有更好的认识)
Thanks to the lesson in my first time in the college ,I have learned to lead a happy life in my school time.(感谢我大学开始那段日子的那门课程,我已经学会如何在学校生活中快乐地主导自己的生活)