_____ nothing I want to say about it. 用nearly还是almost? 请说明原因

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/21 06:28:50

_____ nothing I want to say about it. 用nearly还是almost? 请说明原因
_____ nothing I want to say about it. 用nearly还是almost? 请说明原因

_____ nothing I want to say about it. 用nearly还是almost? 请说明原因
  区别1:用于 any 以及 no,none,nobody,nothing,never 等否定词前,可用almost,但不能用 nearly:
  Almost any man can do it.几乎任何人都会做.
  He has almost no money.他几乎没钱.
  区别2.nearly 前可用 very,pretty,not 等词修饰,但 almost 之前不能用这些词:
  It’s not nearly so difficult as you think.这远不像你想象的那么难

都可以 根据句子的意思


no, none, nobody, nothing, never 等否定词前用almost


almost = very nealy,差一点就.....可以用在各种程度的否定词前:You can get almost everything you need in this department store; Yet almost nobody today knows what it did.
nearly接近,密切地,可用在具体数目前:My weight is nearly 130 kilogram. Nearly all children here are near-sighted.